Are we there yet? Apparently not...
Yet again we find ourselves in lock down thanks to the virus that shall not be named. I liken it to those relatives you're not keen on coming to visit. You knew they'd turn up one day, but this doesn't make them any easier to deal with.
We've been lucky in New Zealand in that life had pretty much been back to normal before this latest lock down. A wonderful summer spent outside, going to concerts, or the beach. Time spent with family without worrying about masks and bathing in hand sanitiser before and after doing so.
Of course, like anything there are pluses to finding the country in lock down. Time to simply slow down, to smell the roses (only those at your house) and generally appreciate the small things. How little this latest lock down really matters was brought home to me the other day.
I was just coming home from a short walk around the block when I saw my neighbour and called out hello. She gave me a sad smile and then told me that her husband had passed away the night before from a stroke. It took me a few seconds to process this as I'd only spoken to him a day or two earlier and he was his usual cheerful self.
Because we're in a Level 4 lock down, the family can't hold a funeral and so she is having to cremate him and hold a memorial service at a later date. I can't imagine what that must be like when combined with the challenges of the virus. Sad times indeed.
I guess what I'm saying is that life can be fleeting even without the virus.. Even though we're facing challenges at present, don't forget to make the most of every second you have, because it can always get worse. A lot worse.
Until things are back to normal, I'm trying my best to follow a routine of sorts. Mornings are spent writing, followed by a short walk and then some lunch. Afternoons I'm working on social media and advertising, along with making a few masks and generally looking after myself. Then it's another walk late afternoon.